I’ve been wanting to do a family session in Golden Gate Park for… FOREVER!!! I was SO excited that this darling ~and VERY dear to me~ family asked me to meet them at Stow Lake for their family session!
Jeramy does the booking and I don’t ever really think of the date. He tells me whats up and I don’t question it… I go with the flow. Well… the date was 4/20 anyone know what that day is? If you don’t, google it.
Lets just say Golden Gate Park was full of hungry, yet happy people.
We arrived at the park and it was CRAZY! Cars everywhere! Park rangers passing out tickets left and right and traffic was a mess! I thought Jeramy was going to have to drop me off and drive around for a couple of hours, but much to my delight… we found a parking spot right next to the lake! It was a sign! I knew this was going to be a great session!

With the amount of rocks (read: boulders) that this guy threw in the lake… ummm… they may have to dredge the bottom of the lake so the boats don’t get stuck.

It’s not uncommon to have a few grumpy moments during sessions. I actually find them kinda darling. Parents on the other hand… don’t. But, someday you are going to miss that grumpy face!

Lots and LOTS of love here!

Such a trio of handsome guys!

I could have a whole blog post on this group of images!

You know what! I’m going to! I won’t say anymore on this post! Only that it was pretty magical.

And then I asked brother to join in…

100% boy!

This image… this image made my heart sing. Yes, Kenny… they are pretty amazing.

I was afraid I was going to squeeze him too tight.

Couldn’t you just eat him up!???

Look at the whispys!

I let Abby take a pic and now I’m going to be out of a job!

Of course Luke wanted a turn… and Now Abby is out a job!

I might get this on a canvas for my living room. Is that odd? I love it! Can you see the rock in the air? Darling children + rocks + pretty lake = Perfection
Oh how I LOVE this family! What an amazing shoot! Great job YET AGAIN!!!
Love you!!
Love these Sharon! Thank you so much.
With the one with Abby on the rock and Luke plowing into us – I”m amazed you got anything. I was working SO HARD not to fall over with Cole in my arms. Luke just about had us down for the count.
And Cole’s face in the 2nd to the last family shot.. I can just hear him saying “mmmmmm”…. which is about all he says nowadays. Perfect.
Such wonderful takes of the family! Thanks for sharing.