Happy Tuesday!
1. I found my glasses… and lost them. Whats wrong with me?
2. Please pray for my one of my dearest friends, Lisa and her family. Lisa’s mom, Karen, is in Seattle getting ready to get her bone marrow transplant. Karen is the kindest, most loyalist, most sweetest person you’ll ever meet. And Lisa isn’t so bad herself! 😉 Karen will be in Seattle for a few months and I know how hard it will be to be away from Lisa… and the kids. Not to mention the stress of the medical cost associated with this nasty cancer!
3. Speaking of cancer… its nasty, but I and so proud of the people I know who are FIGHTING this battle. Check out the auction for Lil Blue Boo’s Ashley HERE! Isn’t that cool? AND they have tee shirts to order HERE!
4. A daily occurrence at out house…
Humm… I’m kinda board. Who’s the most fun person I know? Bubba! I know where he is!
Bubba? Bray-ie?
And then her brings her out.
After a  little snuggle… he puts her down…
And then back in she goes!
5. We had a pancake breakfast at church on sunday… Maggie was sad about something and to cheer her up I told her were were having a Pancake Party at church. Well, Mags and Jane were way super excited! They got dressed up for the occasion! Complete with bracelets and purses. I made them leave the purses in the car… they were filled with Sing-a-ma-jigs, dinosaures, a part of a recorder, a camera and a phone. While I think those are wonderfully stocked purses… not so sure they’d work in service. AND considering they would be sitting with Miss Myriam… I decided to have the little ladies leave them in the car. Myriam… you’re welcome. 😉

6.Have you played Temple Run yet? I tried to resist. I tried hard. Amanda was obsessed. Like to the point she wasn’t pinning… or texting me! And when I’d text her she’s give one word answers… I thought something was up and then I figured it out… Temple Run. She was playing Temple Run… And then Nate Watson posted that he and all his buddies at Skywalker Ranch were playing. I happened to mention that to Brady, and then it was over. I gave in when he asked me so sweetly with his hazily sweet eyes. Now we are all addicted. And just to make it clear as of right now… I have the highest score in the house! 551,712 BA-BY!
7. I’m working on another sweater. IT IS SO CUTE! I love knitting! After the kids go to bed I sit with Jeramy and knit. It’s so calming and there is something so wonderful in creating something out of a LONG ball of yarn.
8. I have a project I’m working on… its going to be fun! And I need to hurry up! I’m planing and getting ready this week and next week I’ll be building! And I’m going to need models! Keep checking back! I have photoshoot ideas I’d like to try out and I’m not sure my kids will be up for modeling for all my ideas!
9. I like to call this next set This Apple Walked into a Bar, Ran into Jillian… and Then the Phone Rang.
10! Please if you can, donate to our March of Dimes team. And if you are local join our team! This is an issue that is incredibly near and dear to my heart. Having had our twin girls so early and losing Anne so soon… knowing what its like to have a baby in the NICU and caring for a preemie at home… I have a desire to help others so that maybe they WON’T had to go through what we had to. Please help us remember Anne and support all the babies that are born prematurely… Donate today! Go Team Anne and Jillian!
Jillian Brooke 2lbs 4oz
You could not have done a more beautiful job speaking in this interview. Speaking about Jillian’s strength at such a young age; her drive to be beautiful; to add beauty to the world…so happy you shared this video. I loved it; it added love to my world; it most definitely sheds rays of hope to others who are just sitting down with their doctors hearing a diagnosis. Good work Sossomans.
*Tears! You did AMAZING!
You did a wonderful job in that interview. Your story I am sure will bring hope to another family going through this. God did not give this experience to you to keep it to yourselves. You and Jeremy are going to share this with someone who doesn’t know Jesus like you do, and they will see where your strength comes from. You guys have already helped me to understand what my parents may have gone through, and I thank you for that.