We went camping twice in one year! Thats a record for us non camping people! I’m even looking for a new tent! Have you seen how big these tents can be? They are actually calling them “Tent Cabins” I totally think we should get one!
Jeramy kept calling this trip a vacation. I don’t really consider camping a vacation, but this trip was SO fun and we have So many funny stories and memories! It actually did feel like a vacation! And the most memorable moments I was without a camera! One was after a mile and a half hike to a waterfall. We stopped to play in a pool… to our right it looked as if someone or something tried to build and dam or a bridge. Brady and I were discussing if there were beavers in the area when Grace yelled, “Look! A beaver!” WHAT? I look over and see a very still beaver. It was as still as a log! I was getting ready to jump in front of the kids, sure the beaver was getting ready for an attack, when Brian asked where the beaver was. RIGHT THERE!!! Brian looks over, points and asks. “What? That log?” I swear to you people it looked JUST like a beaver! I am so mad I didn’t have my camera! I still crack up thinking of that beaver/log on the rock.
Maybe you had to be there? It had eyes and a nose and it looked like its front paw was in front… never mind! Just trust me! It totally looked like a beaver!
I’ll save the other stories for another post. How about some pictures…

The mud pie kitchen

Maggie could hike and climb anywhere in these boots!

Moms of pre-teens? Are you feeling me right now?


Jillian’s way-too-big-still-must-wear-boots

This kid has never been so dirty in all her life and she was loving it!

It’s fish! Or… a HUGE strawberry marshmallow.

We tried the super big flavored marshmallows… SUPER YUMMY! S’more with banana flavored marshmallow?? YUP! SO YUMMY!

If you could only hear the cackle that goes with this picture!

She had to have washed her hands a few dozen times! Not because she was done making mud pies or because she didn’t like being dirty… she just like the hand washing station.
More tomorrow… Maybe I’ll share how our camping buddies keep their tent warm at night. Or maybe you don’t want to know…
such a great trip. i can’t wait to see more!
Where is part II and III????