I completely love Pintrest! I’ve actually been pinned once. I know… I’m super cool!
I’ve used Pintrest for lots of things! Dinners… craft ideas… as a way to procrastinate… find different ideas to help Jillian with her sensory issues… just about everything!
I’m not sure how we would have planned Amanda’s wedding without it! You’ll have to wait for those pictures, but trust me! It was completely amazing!
And 13 months ago I used Pintrest to plan Jillian’s 1st birthday party that I never blogged about. I know. Kinda lame. Its just rough for me around her b-day. Blogging gets pushed on the back burner. Not that I’m a complete mess… its just kinda rough.
Anyhow! After the wedding I feel like I’m a total Pintrest Rockstar! I shouldn’t be surprised. I mean this party was my first party planned with Pintrest and it was great!
Just because I like being fully honest… another common thread to the wedding and this b-day party is Danielle. AND for each gathering we had LOTS of wonderful helpers!
How about some pictures…

On each table we put pictures of Jillian and on the tiny bunting we put how old she was so you could really see how she changed. And Nicky made the cookies I really wanted!

her 3 month picture on the right… it got placed sideways and I didn’t catch it! I’m so annoyed. 😉

A bunch of Jillian’s nurses came. We had her party close to the hospital hoping a few would show up. Being close to the hospital and having her nurses come celebrate Jillian was important to us.
See Jillian’s headband… Pintrest.

Lots of friends and family made the trip into the City and helped make the gathering super special.
I actually blogged how I made mine WAY BACK here

I asked my MIL and FIL to make these tents… a year later we are still using them!

For the cake we did cupcakes in mason jars… Red velvet to match with the color scheme.
Red velvet cake recipe… Pintrest
Chalkboard painting the lids… Pintrest

Sister… Pintrest. Okay, not really.

Of course we had Queen Anne’s Lace…
Flowers in Mason jars… Pintrest

I delegated lots! We had roast beef sammies and salads thanks to Nancy! (See the wicker plate holders? Those were Jeramy’s grandmas… I love using them and telling people who’s they were. She can’t be with us at our parities, but we can remember her.)
And that salad… I need to blog about that and put the recipe so I someone can pin it!

The party was so fun! It was a group effort and so special that people traveled far to celebrate with us.
Now someone pin this! 😉