Lets pretend I’m a good blogger and I’m not months and months behind. 😉
Maggie asked if I’d take pictures of her on her last day of being 5. I sighed deep and said, “I will if you want.”
That was a lie.
I tried to act all cool and said, “Hummm sure. Let’s go now.”
Gotta strike while the irons hot!
Maggie did have some demands. I had to get her ridding her scooter and we needed to be by a certain rose bush. Easy peasy lemon squeezie! As Maggie would say.
Even if the rose bush was completely bare…
Maggie’s last day of being five.

Remember when I was so devastated about her tooth having to be pulled… The other tooth fell out early, like the dentist said it would and I don’t want either to grow back.