I really love Suisun Valley! During the fall, the colors are amazing and in the spring, the valley is full of bright yellow mustard. I learned that the mustard flower is actually a beneficial weed. It keeps non-native weeds from taking over, it is beneficial when tilled into the earth and it somehow protects the grape vines from frost. I didn’t quite understand that part, but the lady was very convincing. 😉
This family session was super fun. With so many family members included in the session I decided we weren’t going to go far. Sometimes, I like to walk around and shoot in a bunch of different locations, but with so many people and lots of them (thanks to Heather ;)) kids, I didn’t want to roam far. AND I brought my trusty sidekick… Mr. Sossaman. He’s handy, adorable and an extra person can help keep things going.
You know a session is going to be magical when you coordinate with the family. I could have totally jumped in and nobody would have known!
Or… a whole bunch of people would. 😉
As Jeramy and I walked up I saw two handsome guys in sweater vests. I LOVE a sweater vest. We weren’t sure if Mr. Chuck would want to be in many pictures… He’s a bit shy, but I think I won him over with my sweater vest complements. 😉 And I have to say, aside from the out takes Jeramy got, Chucks pics just might be my very favs. While we waited for everyone to arrive we started on who was there. I don’t want anyone to stress on photo shoot days! No fussing at each other or kids. Don’t stress! We’ll go with the flow and have fun!

We talked about just doing a big family shot and then individual families, but Elliot had other ideas. He wanted to show off for me and I couldn’t resist this face!

I was looking for a blog link to this stunning couples wedding… I can’t find it. Maybe I didn’t blog it, because I don’t do weddings. Well… trust me! It was beautiful. And the images were great. I wanted to print one on canvas. BIG! Jeramy thought a big canvas of Holly and her folks in a cab would be kinda awkward.
But, it is such a lovely image! 😉

Now thats one good looking family!

Not sure what Heather told Mauro… He looks mildly shocked. 😉
(Honestly, non of of us our shocked much by what Heather says.)


Thanks you guys for a great evening! I’m debating if I should post the out takes! OH!! They were pretty fantastic!
If you are reading this and you are on the fence about getting your whole family out for a shoot, don’t wait! I promise, it will be quick and painless! I’ll bring Jeramy and I feel pretty confident that It will actually be really fun!
And right after Jeramy and I went into Vezer for a lovely wine tasting!
A photoshoot and wine tasting! It was a great date! 😉