We did it! We got chickens! Actually baby chicks. And we love them! I’ve wanted chickens for a while now and dreaded bring it up to Jeramy. I lamented over how I was going to convince him it would be a great idea… to my shock he was all for it! Pretty fun right?!
I can’t tell you how awesome Jeramy has been about my crazy chicken idea. And now we are working on getting a lovely coop up… He has been such a good sport. Jeramy is always a good sport about my hair brained ideas, but even still… I’m always surprised!
Just wait to see what my next project is!! 😉
After the coop is built of course! 😉
Back to the chickens…
Did your high school have that occupation assessment test? Mine did and so did Jeramys. His came out to bartender, which I think is fitting. 😉 And no joke, mine was a farmer. Other then my fear of ticks, spiders and bee’s it’s right on. 😉
For real now. Chickens…
I read all I could on line, and bought a few books. I researched what breed was going to be a good fit for us; heat tolerant, quiet, clam, good egg producers and egg color. I needed blue eggs. Because… well, blue eggs are just cool. I actually wanted each chicken to lay a different color egg, but the girls fell in love with all the same breed of chick. Oh well! At least each chick looks different!

I’m going to make a long story short, but Kelly our little teeny tiny chick died. The heat lamp bulb burst and while waiting for me to get back with a new bulb, Kelly got smothered. It was rough, but the girls are dealing with it. The sobs broke my heart, but lessons are hard sometimes. 🙁
I did get one more then we are allowed to have in case something happened. I knew we needed at least three to make this worthwhile and I knew I wasn’t up for adding a new chick into an already established flock.
I told you, I read up on my chicken business. 😉
As you can guess I’ve taken a zillion pictures of the chicks, and the girls with the chicks. Chicks inside, outside, and upside down.
Okay… not upside down.
I’ve taken so many pictures and I’m so behind in posting! What am I to do? I need to blog more often! Thats what!
More pictures of chicks coming soon! I’ve got to catch up! They are so funny and awkward looking now! Yet, we still think they are the prettiest chicks around!
thanks for the token paragraph about how great I’ve been. 🙂
it almost takes away from how “dreaded” you were to talk to me about the chicks.
🙂 love you.
They are too cute!!! It’s such a fun idea!