How do I begin….we love this family! We’ve had the joy of their friendship for such a long time and I hope that our lives will be forever intertwined. Their family vibe is so fun and contagious that you’d be hard pressed to be around them for five minutes without feeling like you are a part of their family….and that true spirit of joy and hospitality comes from the top down. Now that all the kids are grown and moved out…adding spouses….and even a new little one coming soon, it’s few and far between to catch a moment with everyone together…but let me tell you, when this family joins their collective hilarity…look out! It’s no holds barred.
We had set a date in december to take some shots of the whole family and the weather been a little hit and miss in the days prior, but wouldn’t you know that mother nature decided to “rain down” in full force on the day of the shoot. I’m not kidding folks…I’m talking buckets. But they were real troopers. Check it out!

I’m sad to say that I’m old enough to remember some of these kids..err….adults as young kids. What does that make me, huh? But it’s been so fun to watch them grown into the amazing men and women that they’ve become.

…and it all started here. Brad and Dorothy were high school sweethearts, and they still have that same spark in their eyes when they look at each other. It’s a bonafide love story….truly breathtaking!

Did I say hilarity? They may look composed (well, almost)….but believe me…they are just one step away from hysterical laughter!

It was such a great day hanging out with all of them. We are honored to call them all friends and we’re grateful for their place in our lives. Here’s one more…

Sharon love, something weird’s going on with your blog. I’m looking at it on Firefox on my iMac and the text (and white background frame) is all squished to the left while the pictures are their usual gorgeous selves. Just thought I’d let you know. xoxo
I know and it is driving me crazy!!! It’s been a month and when I fix it it goes right back! Or left! 😉 Jeramy is going to call them! That’s for letting me know! XOXOX