CHRISTMAS! The lighted boat parade is really the official start to Christmas for us! Our town is so cute!

The folks at the yacht club deck their boats out with hundreds of lights and circle the marina. Usually only once or maybe twice…

This event is an all day event. See the folks across the water? Quite a lot of people for such a rainy day!

And the last boat carries Santa in to light up the big Christmas tree.

This year, this very rainy year, the boats went around THREE times.

Time out!
I think Santa and Mrs. Clause are fighting.

See! Look at Mrs. Clause! And there is Santa ignoring her! I’m sure she just wants him to get inside so he doesn’t get all wet! He could catch a cold!
That could ruin Christmas!

Lots of rain! And they had a few announcements to make…
A few LOOOOONG announcements.

I think they need a new light stringer… Or whatever you call a person who strings lights.

The group shot didn’t work, but I tried.

Then the walk home to eat soup and drink hot coco!