A mess. ;P

Jillian had the most fun! She picked up one purple water balloon and carried it around for quite a long time. The other girls, well… I really wished I’d filmed it! They would yell at each other for not standing still and nearly every balloon Maggie picked up would instantly POP! Which after a few balloons, caused her to be quite frustrated! I’m not kidding! Jane would yell at Mary Rose for running and Mary Rose would yell at Jane for her own lack of aim. It was hysterical! I finally got them to toss the balloons to each other. Then finally we decided to go on a walk.
And I really want to do a session with water balloons! I promise it will work better with someone else’s kids! Summer opens up so many fun options for family sessions!
Have a great weekend. As I go about my weekend I’ll be thinking about the loved ones my family has lost… I’ll be thinking of ChaChi and saying prayers for my family. And I’ll be stoping by my great grandfathers grave site on my way to a BBQ. So… have a great weekend, but don’t forget why we have this extra day.
God Speed.